Thursday, May 30, 2013


Just a small observation. I don't know how long I will keep this up. Hopefully, through the summer and beyond. My kids told me the other day that we eat healthier than any other family/kids they know. This would be Pre-Forks Over Knives. That is true and not true I suppose because I have a major junk food addiction and I let my kids join in all too frequently. But I've never let my kids go crazy with soda and other things and have done well with dinner many days of the week and lunches for school I do all right. I've never had an open pantry policy where kids can overindulge all they want. I've told them you can have one not so healthy snack after school and healthy snacks (fruit, nuts, string cheese, etc. I know, string cheese is debatable.) I haven't been near perfect but they've noticed my efforts.

They also told me we are the biggest environmentalist they know. Again, many would put me to shame. My good friend in Seattle isn't nearly as liberal as I am but just living there that comes more naturally to her I think. And the bar is set very low here for the most part.

The point of this is they are noticing. Noticing things that matter. I get down on myself for my parenting ability a lot. But they are picking up on things that matter, that we should take care of our bodies, we should take care of our planet too, we should believe in equality for all people. It is getting through. I should celebrate this small victory because I don't give myself enough credit. That and they are going to be (already are) amazing people.

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